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Classic Pong
Featured Project

Classic Pong

In this game you play against the computer using your mouse as the paddle. The winner is the first to get to 7. This makes use of Advanced HTML Canvas.

Maths Sprint Game

Maths Sprint Game

This tests your maths skills out. You are able to choose between three difficulties and the computer will randomly select an amount of correct and incorrect questions. You have to get as many right as you can in the quickest time. Time penalties are awarded for wrong answers and your fastest time will be saved in local storage so you can compete to get the quickest score.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

Taken from the show The Big Bang Theory, in the style of rock, paper, scissors. You compete against the randomly generated answers from the computer. Each time you win the confetti.js provides animated confetti on screen.

Paint Clone
Featured Project

Paint Clone

Making use of the Adavanced HTML Canvas, this paint clone allows you to pick between brush and eraser, choose a colour for your brush and for background and also uses local storage to enable saving of your image to work on at a later date. The saved file can also be deleted by the user once finished and downloaded as a file.